Our services.
Nutritional Kinesiology (MRT)
In-person only as part of a regular evaluation.
Muscle testing is a technique used by practitioners to evaluate the strength and function of the muscles in the body. It involves applying pressure or resistance to certain muscles while the client performs specific movements, allowing the practitioner to assess the muscle’s response and identify any issues or weaknesses. Muscle testing can be used in a variety of healthcare settings, including PT, sports med, and chiro. It is often used to help develop individualized protocols for clients with specific muscle and nutritional imbalances.
Urine and Saliva pH Evaluation (RBTI)
Virtual and In-person as part of a regular evaluation.
RBTI is a working explanation regarding the fundamental ionic energy composition as well as the function of biological life. RBTI testing is a seven-part non-invasive test using fresh samples of urine and saliva. In the urine, we are looking at total carbohydrates, pH, conductivity, cell debris, nitrate nitrogen, and ammonia nitrogen. In the saliva, we are simply looking at the pH.
This modality of analysis explains the internal terrain, indicates a rate and efficiency of digestion, clues us in on overall liver function, and indicates how well minerals are being absorbed.
Virtual: only saliva pH is considered, and the client reports findings.
In-Person: (Coming soon) Samples of both are collected at the time of the appointment.
1:1 Nutritional Health Coaching
Virtual and In-person as part of a regular evaluation.
These sessions are a great way to support your body to reach the long-term goals of optimal healing, reduced stress, decreased symptomatology, and overall great health.
In these sessions, we spend upwards of 12 weeks covering the basics:
Current symptoms and lifestyle
pH evaluation to check out your rate of digestion and mineral absorption
Physical observations through face and nail readings
Desired outcomes with weekly goal-setting through food log monitoring and health status
Foundations for health (nutrition, hydration, air, sleep, movement, emotions, and spiritual connection - in a slow methodical approach)
Physical Findings
Virtual and In-person as part of a regular evaluation.
In each appointment, there is more to an evaluation than you would think. In addition to the paperwork and Urine and Saliva pH, the practitioner is also looking for some not so obvious, and not so typical, indications of your overall health.
Facial Reading:
By looking at every mark and line on your face, tongue and nails, we can triangulate findings in other tools used to help identify common themes, physically and emotionally in a non-invasive fashion. At one time, physical observations were the primary component of exams and are still a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine exams.Fingernail Assessment:
Have marks on your nails? High moons, no moons? Dents and ridges?Any yellowing? Let’s see what your fingers say about your health and use this information to triangulate the root cause of the dis-ease in your system. This fascinating tool used in Traditional Chinese Medicine exams will help form the bigger picture.Emotional Assessment:
One thing that sets holistic health apart from allopathic medicine is the lack of attention to the emotional component of physical healing. Emotion comes from the Old French and Latin meaning, to excite or to move out. If your emotions are off… everything is off.Bach Remedies are tinctures, usually made with brandy and blended with spring water. They are effective for ANY BODY, on or off meds, for pets, adults, children, and babies. Like homeopathy, they are considered a frequency healer. Rather than target physical symptomology, these address emotional components.
In-person only as an additional service.
Raw Shur Reflexology is a type of massage that uses special tools and oil to target mapped reflex points of organs found on meridian lines that run through your whole body but end at the bottoms of your feet. This is a great way to enhance your healing process. Traditional Chinese Medicine indicates that the benefits of using this modality may include:
reducing stress
aiding in digestion
improved sleep
pain management
increased circulation
Improved nerve function
and so much more…
In-person only as an additional service.
Cupping is another old-world technique that may be used as a way to increase your body’s healing potential. This office only uses dry cupping techniques. A few ways cupping may support your healing:
through increased circulation
aiding the tissues in releasing toxins
reducing stress
encouraging fibrous materials to break up
encourages phlegm production from the lungs
Infrared Sauna with Light and Salt Therapy
In-person only as an additional service. COMING SOON.
This Executive two-person Himalayan Infrared Salt Cave Sauna starts as a two-person, ceramic tube infrared sauna. It also includes a Himalayan salt, turning you into a salt cave, providing excellent detox for even more health support and increased well-being. The sauna offers relaxation and detoxification. The salt allows for easier breathing as it dispels pollens, allergens, EMFs, and other airborne pollutants. It also comes with LED chromotherapy (light) for improved sleep and reduced inflammation, giving you three therapies in one device. Each of the 7 colors offered may enhance your healing potential. This unit also offers EMF support with its built-in 5g Harmonizer and is complete with an Ion oxygen clean air machine with ozone as well. You don’t want to miss out on this experience.
Ionic Foot Bath IonCleanse® Premier® Foot Bath by AMD
With the state-of-the-art professional grade IonCleanse® Premier® foot bath system by AMD, we can offer five session options for safety and comfort for various users. This system offers dual polarity (which produces a predominance of negative ions in the water) to a negative polarity (which produces a predominance of positive ions in the water) and vice versa. The patented array configuration is the only one of its kind to produce both positive and negative ions in the water. No other unit on the market offers this feature. This is one of the reasons why the quality of detox is far superior with the IonCleanse® system!
Emotional Release Techniques
Virtual and In-person
Emotions are energy, and they can sometimes present in our bodies as physical ailments in our bodies. Using a wonderful method created by Dr. Bradley Nelson called the Emotion Code, we can help you release any emotions trapped in your body. Sometimes these emotions can even be inherited. Epigenetics plays a unique role here, and amazing studies have been done on the children and grandchildren of family members who suffered tragically in the Holocaust. Their unexplained health presentations seem to have disappeared once trapped emotions are released. A fascinating technique that can be instrumental in bringing healing… throughout your generations!
Bioresonance Feedback Scanning
Virtual and In-person as an additional service.
BioEnergetic scanning with the Biophilia Scanner works remotely using your DNA. It analyzes the energy in your body with great detail and precision. Gentle, restorative energy is then applied, working with your body to improve health in those specific areas. It is non-invasive and completely pain-free, however, sensitive individuals may experience tingling in the area of the body being scanned.
It also recognizes and helps combat bacterial, viral, parasitical, and fungal infections, many of which go undetected in our lives but can significantly impact health. As a holistic practitioner, this is extremely useful in understanding what is going on inside the body as a whole and how different systems are affecting each other.
Each element in our body has an energy field with a distinct natural frequency pattern. When there is dis-ease or stress, the pattern de-stabilizes, and the Biofilia can detect it using Magnetic Vector Potential.
Using DNA, the device sends a signal to the body using the specific frequency pattern from its database relevant to that organ or part of the body. The pattern is then reflected back, and any distortion indicates dis-ease, infection, inflammation, or stress. The more stable the frequency pattern, the more energetically balanced that element of the body.
The program also analyzes a selection of the most appropriate frequency patterns to restore health. Using all of the information provided, the practitioner makes a decision and usually sends multiple signals back to stimulate the healing process through energy frequency to destabilize the energy of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.