who am I?
Who am I?
My name is Tamara Krouse. I am a believer in the Messiah and walk similarly to how HE walked by following the feasts outlined in the Old Testament, the Torah. I am a wife, a mom, a homeschool educator, and a businesswoman.
What do I stand on?
The pillars on which I stand in life and business are Faith and Family, Education and Sustainable Holistic Products, Detoxing and Healing, Coaching and Support, and Advocacy and Protection of Medical Freedoms.
How did I get here?
My middle daughter was born a 10-pound baby but then suffered severe health problems that prevented her from gaining weight. By the time she was 4 months old, she was labeled as a “failure to thrive.” At the same time, my hubby was struggling with his Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. We lost insurance, had no money, and had no idea what to do.
In my desperation, I turned closer to our Creator and found the amazing people HE sent our way. I decided to educate myself about the possible causes of both my husband’s and daughter’s illnesses. I discovered the potential problems and educated myself about solutions. We implemented them and saw good results, so I felt encouraged to further my education in a more formal way.
In December of 2020, we learned I myself had some rogue cells in 4 spots; my rectum, large intestine, small intestine, and stomach. I got CoVid in January of 2021.
In my desperation, I again turned to education. I was able to see the problems and learn how to correct them.
Of course, the theme continued with the people our Creator sent my way…
By June 2022, 3 of the 4 spots were gone. By September 2022, I had my first clear scan.
What am I growing?
True to my nature, when I saw the problem, I self-educated, and went to school, and a mission was born. In May 2022, I completed my CNHP (Certified Natural Health Practitioner) and became a LEHP (Licensed Ecclesiastical Health Practitioner). I wrapped up my CHHP (Certified Holistic Health Practitioner) in May 2023. In October 2023, I completed my CTN (Certified Traditional Naturopath) course and as of January 2024 I tested and passed Board Certification with ANWPB (American Natural Wellness Practitioners Board).
I am a member of GEHA (Guardian Ecclesiastical Health Association), an ethics committee to help align and protect our freedoms to work together under the US Constitution.